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Example searches: “uri”, “200”, “instance-type”, “service-id”, “build”
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API Changelog
Download source
JSON OpenAPI specification
YAML OpenAPI specification
API Request Signature
Zone local resources
Retrieve Load Balancer Service details
Update a Load Balancer Service
Delete a Load Balancer Service
List Load Balancers
Create a Load Balancer
Reset a Load Balancer field to its default value
Reset a Load Balancer Service field to its default value
Add a Load Balancer Service
Retrieve Load Balancer details
Update a Load Balancer
Delete a Load Balancer
List Events
Attach block storage volume to an instance
Retrieve block storage snapshot details
Update block storage volume snapshot
Delete a block storage snapshot, data will be unrecoverable
Retrieve block storage volume details
Update block storage volume
Delete a block storage volume, data will be unrecoverable
Create a block storage snapshot
List block storage snapshots
Resize a block storage volume
Detach block storage volume
List block storage volumes
Create a block storage volume
Generate a new Kubeconfig file for a SKS cluster
Retrieve SKS Nodepool details
Update an SKS Nodepool
Delete an SKS Nodepool
Get the certificate for a SKS cluster authority
Resources that are scheduled to be removed in future kubernetes releases
Scale a SKS Nodepool
Upgrade a SKS cluster to pro
Evict Nodepool members
List SKS clusters
Create an SKS cluster
Retrieve SKS cluster details
Update an SKS cluster
Delete an SKS cluster
Get the latest inspection result
Rotate Exoscale CCM credentials
Reset an SKS cluster field to its default value
Create a new SKS Nodepool
Reset an SKS Nodepool field to its default value
Rotate operators certificate authority
List available versions for SKS clusters
Upgrade an SKS cluster
[BETA] Get OpenSearch Logs external integration endpoint settings
[BETA] Update OpenSearch Logs external integration endpoint
[BETA] Delete OpenSearch logs external integration endpoint
Get DBaaS OpenSearch ACL configuration
Create a DBaaS OpenSearch ACL configuration
Stop a DBaaS Valkey migration
Initiate Grafana maintenance update
Check whether you can upgrade Postgres service to a newer version
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS mysql user
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS Redis user
Create a DBaaS PostgreSQL connection pool
Get a DBaaS MySQL service
Update a DBaaS MySQL service
Create a DBaaS MySQL service
Delete a MySQL service
[BETA] Get ElasticSearch Logs external integration endpoint settings
[BETA] Update ElasticSearch Logs external integration endpoint
[BETA] Delete ElasticSearch logs external integration endpoint
Create a DBaaS MySQL user
DBaaS Service Types
List DBaaS services
[BETA] Create RSyslog external integration endpoint
Get DBaaS CA Certificate
Get DBaaS Grafana settings
Delete a DBaaS Postgres database
Stop a DBaaS PostgreSQL migration
Get a DBaaS Kafka service
Update a DBaaS Kafka service
Create a DBaaS Kafka service
Delete a Kafka service
Get DBaaS Redis settings
Add a Kafka Schema Registry ACL entry
Create a DBaaS Postgres user
[BETA] List all DBaaS connections between services and external endpoints
[BETA] Get a DBaaS external integration
[BETA] List available external endpoint types and their schemas for DBaaS external integrations
Delete a DBaaS Redis user
Reveal the secrets for DBaaS Kafka Connect
Delete a DBaaS OpenSearch user
[BETA] Get Prometheus external integration endpoint settings
[BETA] Update Prometheus external integration endpoint
[BETA] Delete Prometheus external integration endpoint
Create a DBaaS Kafka user
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS Valkey user
[BETA] Get Datadog integration settings
[BETA] Manage Datadog integration settings
Get DBaaS MySQL settings
Create a DBaaS Postgres database
Create a DBaaS OpenSearch user
[BETA] Get DBaaS integration types
Delete a DBaaS Postgres user
Update access control for one service user
Add a Kafka topic ACL entry
[BETA] Create OpenSearch Logs external integration endpoint
Delete a DBaaS MySQL database
Get logs of DBaaS service
Initiate PostgreSQL maintenance update
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS Grafana user
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS Grafana user
Delete a DBaaS Valkey user
Delete a Kafka ACL entry
Delete a DBaaS kafka user
Get a DBaaS service type
[BETA] Create DataDog external integration endpoint
Initiate MySQL maintenance update
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS OpenSearch user
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS MySQL user
Get metrics of DBaaS service
Temporarily enable writes for MySQL services in read-only mode due to filled up storage
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS Kafka user
Create a DBaaS task to check migration
[BETA] Get DataDog external endpoint settings
[BETA] Update DataDog external integration endpoint
[BETA] Delete DataDog external integration endpoint
[BETA] Create Prometheus external integration endpoint
[BETA] Get a DBaaS Integration
[BETA] Update a existing DBaaS integration
[BETA] Delete a DBaaS Integration
[BETA] Get DBaaS integration settings
Get DBaaS PostgreSQL settings
Get a DBaaS Valkey service
Update a DBaaS Valkey service
Create a DBaaS Valkey service
Delete a Valkey service
Stop a DBaaS Redis migration
Stop a DBaaS MySQL migration
[BETA] List available external endpoints for integrations
Initiate Kafka maintenance update
Update a DBaaS PostgreSQL connection pool
Delete a DBaaS PostgreSQL connection pool
Get a DBaaS migration status
Delete a DBaaS MySQL user
Delete a DBaaS service
Create a DBaaS MySQL database
Get DBaaS Kafka settings
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS Postgres user
Get DBaaS OpenSearch settings
[BETA] Create a new DBaaS connection between a DBaaS service and an external service
Get a DBaaS Grafana service
Update a DBaaS Grafana service
Create a DBaaS Grafana service
Delete a Grafana service
[BETA] Get RSyslog external integration endpoint settings
[BETA] Update RSyslog external integration endpoint
[BETA] Delete RSyslog external integration endpoint
Initiate Redis upgrade to Valkey
[BETA] Create ElasticSearch Logs external integration endpoint
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS Redis user
Initiate OpenSearch maintenance update
Get DBaaS kafka ACL configuration
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS Kafka user
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS OpenSearch user
Initiate Valkey maintenance update
Get a DBaaS OpenSearch service
Update a DBaaS OpenSearch service
Create a DBaaS OpenSearch service
Delete a OpenSearch service
[BETA] Detach a DBaaS external integration from a service
Get a DBaaS Redis service
Update a DBaaS Redis service
Create a DBaaS Redis service
Delete a Redis service
Reveal the secrets of a DBaaS Valkey user
Get a DBaaS PostgreSQL service
Update a DBaaS PostgreSQL service
Create a DBaaS PostgreSQL service
Delete a Postgres service
Create a DBaaS Valkey user
[BETA] Create a new DBaaS integration between two services
Get a DBaaS task
Create a DBaaS Redis user
Initiate Redis maintenance update
Delete a Kafka ACL entry
Reset the credentials of a DBaaS Postgres user
Scale an Instance Pool
List Instance Pools
Create an Instance Pool
Retrieve Instance Pool details
Update an Instance Pool
Delete an Instance Pool
Reset an Instance Pool field to its default value
Evict Instance Pool members
Create a Snapshot of a Compute instance
Reveal the password used during instance creation or the latest password reset.
Resize a Compute instance disk
Reset a compute instance password
Start a Compute instance
Scale a Compute instance to a new Instance Type
Stop a Compute instance
Set instance destruction protection
Reset Instance field
Remove instance destruction protection
Reset a Compute instance to a base/target template
Retrieve signed url valid for 60 seconds to connect via console-proxy websocket to VM VNC console.
Retrieve Compute instance details
Update a Compute instance
Delete a Compute instance
Reboot a Compute instance
List Compute instances
Create a Compute instance
Revert a snapshot for an instance
Query the PTR DNS records for an elastic IP
Update/Create the PTR DNS record for an elastic IP
Delete the PTR DNS record for an elastic IP
Query the PTR DNS records for an instance
Update/Create the PTR DNS record for an instance
Delete the PTR DNS record for an instance
List Anti-affinity Groups
Create an Anti-affinity Group
Retrieve Anti-affinity Group details
Delete an Anti-affinity Group
Delete a Security Group rule
List Security Groups.
Create a Security Group
Retrieve Security Group details
Delete a Security Group
Attach a Compute instance to a Security Group
Create a Security Group rule
Remove an external source from a Security Group
Detach a Compute instance from a Security Group
Add an external source as a member of a Security Group
Attach a Compute instance to a Private Network
Update the IP address of an instance attached to a managed private network
List Private Networks
Create a Private Network
Detach a Compute instance from a Private Network
Retrieve Private Network details
Update a Private Network
Delete a Private Network
Reset Private Network field
Retrieve Instance Type details
List Compute instance Types
List Elastic IPs
Create an Elastic IP
Reset an Elastic IP field to its default value
Detach a Compute instance from an Elastic IP
Attach a Compute instance to an Elastic IP
Retrieve Elastic IP details
Update an Elastic IP
Delete an Elastic IP
List Zones
List DNS domain records
Create DNS domain record
List DNS domains
Create DNS domain
Retrieve DNS domain record details
Update DNS domain record
Delete DNS domain record
Retrieve DNS domain zone file
Retrieve DNS domain details
Delete DNS Domain
List Deploy Targets
Retrieve Deploy Target details
Retrieve an organization
Export a Snapshot
Retrieve Snapshot details
Delete a Snapshot
List Snapshots
Promote a Snapshot to a Template
Retrieve Resource Quota
List Organization Quotas
List API keys
Create a new API key
Get API key
Delete an API key
Retrieve IAM Role
Update IAM Role
Delete IAM Role
Retrieve IAM Organization Policy
Update IAM Organization Policy
Update a User's IAM role
Delete User
Update IAM Role Policy
Reset IAM Organization Policy
List IAM Roles
Create IAM Role
List Users
Create a User
Retrieve Operation details
Retrieve Template details
Update template attributes
Copy a Template from a zone to another
Delete a Template
List Templates
Register a Template
List SOS Buckets Usage
Retrieve Presigned Download URL for SOS object
Retrieve SSH key details
Delete a SSH key
List SSH keys
Import SSH key
Dismiss highlight
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