Get a DBaaS OpenSearch service

GET /dbaas-opensearch/{name}

Get a DBaaS OpenSearch service

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    Service name

    Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 63.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • DbaaS service description

    • max-index-count integer(int64)

      Maximum number of indexes to keep before deleting the oldest one

      Minimum value is 0.

    • updated-at string(date-time)

      Service last update timestamp (ISO 8601)

    • node-count integer(int64)

      Number of service nodes in the active plan

      Minimum value is 0.

    • Opensearch connection information properties

      Hide connection-info attributes Show connection-info attributes
    • node-cpu-count integer(int64)

      Number of CPUs for each node

      Minimum value is 0.

    • integrations array[object]

      Service integrations

      Hide integrations attributes Show integrations attributes object
    • zone string

      The zone where the service is running

    • node-states array[object]

      State of individual service nodes

      Hide node-states attributes Show node-states attributes object

      Automatic maintenance settings

      • name string Required

        Name of the service node

      • progress-updates array[object]

        Extra information regarding the progress for current state

        Hide progress-updates attributes Show progress-updates attributes object

        Extra information regarding the progress for current state

        • completed boolean Required

          Indicates whether this phase has been completed or not

        • current integer(int64)

          Current progress for this phase. May be missing or null.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • max integer(int64)

          Maximum progress value for this phase. May be missing or null. May change.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • min integer(int64)

          Minimum progress value for this phase. May be missing or null.

          Minimum value is 0.

        • phase string Required

          Key identifying this phase

          Values are stream, basebackup, prepare, or finalize.

        • unit string

          Unit for current/min/max values. New units may be added. If null should be treated as generic unit

      • role string

        Role of this node. Only returned for a subset of service types

        Values are standby, master, or read-replica.

      • state string Required

        Current state of the service node

        Values are leaving, running, syncing_data, setting_up_vm, or unknown.

    • name string Required

      Service name

      Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 63.

    • Aiven automation resets index.refresh_interval to default value for every index to be sure that indices are always visible to search. If it doesn't fit your case, you can disable this by setting up this flag to true.

    • type string Required

      DbaaS service name

      Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 64.

    • state string

      State of the service

      Values are running, rebuilding, rebalancing, or poweroff.

    • ip-filter array[string]

      Allowed CIDR address blocks for incoming connections

    • backups array[object]

      List of backups for the service

      Hide backups attributes Show backups attributes object

      List of backups for the service

      • backup-name string Required

        Internal name of this backup

      • backup-time string(date-time) Required

        Backup timestamp (ISO 8601)

      • data-size integer(int64) Required

        Backup's original size before compression

        Minimum value is 0.

    • Service is protected against termination and powering off

    • notifications array[object]

      Service notifications

      Hide notifications attributes Show notifications attributes object

      Service notifications

      • level string Required

        Notification level

        Values are warning or notice.

      • message string Required

        Human notification message

        Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 1024.

      • type string Required

        Notification type

        Values are service_powered_off_removal or service_end_of_life.

      • metadata object Required

        Notification type

    • components array[object]

      Service component information objects

      Hide components attributes Show components attributes object
      • component string Required

        Service component name

      • host string Required

        DNS name for connecting to the service component

      • port integer(int64) Required

        Port number for connecting to the service component

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 65535.

      • route string Required

        Network access route

        Values are dynamic, private, public, or privatelink.

      • usage string Required

        DNS usage name

        Values are primary or replica.

    • index-patterns array[object]

      Allows you to create glob style patterns and set a max number of indexes matching this pattern you want to keep. Creating indexes exceeding this value will cause the oldest one to get deleted. You could for example create a pattern looking like 'logs.?' and then create index logs.1, logs.2 etc, it will delete logs.1 once you create logs.6. Do note 'logs.?' does not apply to logs.10. Note: Setting max_index_count to 0 will do nothing and the pattern gets ignored.

      Hide index-patterns attributes Show index-patterns attributes object
      • max-index-count integer(int64)

        Maximum number of indexes to keep

        Minimum value is 0.

      • Deletion sorting algorithm

        Values are alphabetical or creation_date.

      • pattern string

        fnmatch pattern

        Maximum length is 1024.

    • Automatic maintenance settings

      Hide maintenance attributes Show maintenance attributes
      • dow string Required

        Day of week for installing updates

        Values are saturday, tuesday, never, wednesday, sunday, friday, monday, or thursday.

      • time string Required

        Time for installing updates, UTC

        Minimum length is 8, maximum length is 8.

      • updates array[object] Required

        List of updates waiting to be installed

        Hide updates attributes Show updates attributes object

        Update waiting to be installed

        • Description of the update

        • deadline string(date-time)

          Deadline for installing the update

        • start-after string(date-time)

          The earliest time the update will be automatically applied

        • start-at string(date-time)

          The time when the update will be automatically applied

    • Template settings for all new indexes

      Hide index-template attributes Show index-template attributes
      • The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain across all nested types. This limit helps to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested objects. Default is 10000.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100000.

      • number-of-replicas integer(int64)

        The number of replicas each primary shard has.

        Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 29.

      • number-of-shards integer(int64)

        The number of primary shards that an index should have.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 1024.

    • disk-size integer(int64)

      TODO UNIT disk space for data storage

      Minimum value is 0.

    • node-memory integer(int64)

      TODO UNIT of memory for each node

      Minimum value is 0.

    • uri string

      URI for connecting to the service (may be absent)

    • OpenSearch-specific settings

      Hide opensearch-settings attributes Show opensearch-settings attributes
      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

        Minimum value is 10, maximum value is 2000.

      • Number of file chunks sent in parallel for each recovery. Defaults to 2.

        Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 5.

      • Percentage value. Default is 10%. Maximum amount of heap used for query cache. This is an expert setting. Too low value will decrease query performance and increase performance for other operations; too high value will cause issues with other OpenSearch functionality.

        Minimum value is 3, maximum value is 40.

      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Limits total inbound and outbound recovery traffic for each node. Applies to both peer recoveries as well as snapshot recoveries (i.e., restores from a snapshot). Defaults to 40mb

        Minimum value is 40, maximum value is 400.

      • The max length of an HTTP URL, in bytes

        Minimum value is 1024, maximum value is 65536.

      • Default value is false.

      • Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

        Minimum value is 10, maximum value is 2000.

      • Script compilation circuit breaker limits the number of inline script compilations within a period of time. Default is use-context

        Maximum length is 1024.

      • search_max_buckets integer | null

        Maximum number of aggregation buckets allowed in a single response. OpenSearch default value is used when this is not defined.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 1000000.

      • reindex_remote_whitelist array[string | null] | null

        Whitelisted addresses for reindexing. Changing this value will cause all OpenSearch instances to restart.

        Not more than 32 elements. Maximum length of each is 261.

      • Compatibility mode sets OpenSearch to report its version as 7.10 so clients continue to work. Default is false

      • The max size of allowed headers, in bytes

        Minimum value is 1024, maximum value is 262144.

      • Hide email-sender attributes Show email-sender attributes
        • email_sender_name string Required

          This should be identical to the Sender name defined in Opensearch dashboards

          Maximum length is 40. Format should match the following pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$.

        • email_sender_password string Required

          Sender password for Opensearch alerts to authenticate with SMTP server

          Maximum length is 1024. Format should match the following pattern: ^[^\x00-\x1F]+$.

        • email_sender_username string Required

          Maximum length is 320. Format should match the following pattern: ^[^\x00-\x1F]+$.

      • Relative amount. Maximum amount of heap memory used for field data cache. This is an expert setting; decreasing the value too much will increase overhead of loading field data; too much memory used for field data cache will decrease amount of heap available for other operations.

        Minimum value is 3, maximum value is 100.

      • Enable or disable filtering of alerting by backend roles. Requires Security plugin. Defaults to false

      • Percentage value. Default is 10%. Total amount of heap used for indexing buffer, before writing segments to disk. This is an expert setting. Too low value will slow down indexing; too high value will increase indexing performance but causes performance issues for query performance.

        Minimum value is 3, maximum value is 40.

      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Hide auth_failure_listeners attributes Show auth_failure_listeners attributes
      • Hide ism-history attributes Show ism-history attributes
      • How many concurrent incoming/outgoing shard recoveries (normally replicas) are allowed to happen on a node. Defaults to 2.

        Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 16.

      • Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

        Minimum value is 10, maximum value is 2000.

      • Explicitly allow or block automatic creation of indices. Defaults to true

      • Maximum content length for HTTP requests to the OpenSearch HTTP API, in bytes.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 2147483647.

      • Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

        Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.

      • Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

        Minimum value is 10, maximum value is 2000.

      • Maximum number of clauses Lucene BooleanQuery can have. The default value (1024) is relatively high, and increasing it may cause performance issues. Investigate other approaches first before increasing this value.

        Minimum value is 64, maximum value is 4096.

      • Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

        Minimum value is 10, maximum value is 2000.

      • Controls the number of shards allowed in the cluster per data node

        Minimum value is 100, maximum value is 10000.

    • service_uri parameterized into key-value pairs

    • version string

      OpenSearch version

    • created-at string(date-time)

      Service creation timestamp (ISO 8601)

    • plan string Required

      Subscription plan

    • OpenSearch Dashboards settings

      Hide opensearch-dashboards attributes Show opensearch-dashboards attributes
      • Timeout in milliseconds for requests made by OpenSearch Dashboards towards OpenSearch (default: 30000)

        Minimum value is 5000, maximum value is 120000.

      • enabled boolean

        Enable or disable OpenSearch Dashboards (default: true)

      • max-old-space-size integer(int64)

        Limits the maximum amount of memory (in MiB) the OpenSearch Dashboards process can use. This sets the max_old_space_size option of the nodejs running the OpenSearch Dashboards. Note: the memory reserved by OpenSearch Dashboards is not available for OpenSearch. (default: 128)

        Minimum value is 64, maximum value is 1024.

    • users array[object]

      List of service users

      Hide users attributes Show users attributes object
GET /dbaas-opensearch/{name}
curl \
 -X GET{name}
Response examples (200)
  "description": "string",
  "max-index-count": 42,
  "updated-at": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "node-count": 42,
  "connection-info": {
    "uri": [
    "username": "string",
    "password": "string",
    "dashboard-uri": "string"
  "node-cpu-count": 42,
  "integrations": [
      "description": "string",
      "settings": {},
      "type": "string",
      "is-enabled": true,
      "source": "string",
      "is-active": true,
      "status": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "dest": "string"
  "zone": "string",
  "node-states": [
      "name": "string",
      "progress-updates": [
          "completed": true,
          "current": 42,
          "max": 42,
          "min": 42,
          "phase": "stream",
          "unit": "string"
      "role": "standby",
      "state": "leaving"
  "name": "string",
  "keep-index-refresh-interval": true,
  "type": "string",
  "state": "running",
  "ip-filter": [
  "backups": [
      "backup-name": "string",
      "backup-time": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "data-size": 42
  "termination-protection": true,
  "notifications": [
      "level": "warning",
      "message": "string",
      "type": "service_powered_off_removal",
      "metadata": {}
  "components": [
      "component": "string",
      "host": "string",
      "port": 42,
      "route": "dynamic",
      "usage": "primary"
  "index-patterns": [
      "max-index-count": 42,
      "sorting-algorithm": "alphabetical",
      "pattern": "string"
  "maintenance": {
    "dow": "saturday",
    "time": "string",
    "updates": [
        "description": "string",
        "deadline": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
        "start-after": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
        "start-at": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00"
  "index-template": {
    "mapping-nested-objects-limit": 42,
    "number-of-replicas": 42,
    "number-of-shards": 42
  "disk-size": 42,
  "node-memory": 42,
  "uri": "string",
  "opensearch-settings": {
    "thread_pool_search_throttled_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_analyze_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_get_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_get_queue_size": 42,
    "indices_recovery_max_concurrent_file_chunks": 42,
    "indices_queries_cache_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_search_size": 42,
    "indices_recovery_max_bytes_per_sec": 42,
    "http_max_initial_line_length": 4096,
    "enable_security_audit": true,
    "thread_pool_write_queue_size": 42,
    "script_max_compilations_rate": "75/5m",
    "search_max_buckets": 10000,
    "reindex_remote_whitelist": [
    "override_main_response_version": true,
    "http_max_header_size": 8192,
    "email-sender": {
      "email_sender_name": "alert-sender",
      "email_sender_password": "very-secure-mail-password",
      "email_sender_username": ""
    "indices_fielddata_cache_size": 42,
    "action_destructive_requires_name": true,
    "plugins_alerting_filter_by_backend_roles": false,
    "indices_memory_index_buffer_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_force_merge_size": 42,
    "auth_failure_listeners": {
      "internal_authentication_backend_limiting": {
        "allowed_tries": 10,
        "authentication_backend": "internal",
        "block_expiry_seconds": 600,
        "max_blocked_clients": 100000,
        "max_tracked_clients": 100000,
        "time_window_seconds": 3600,
        "type": "username"
      "ip_rate_limiting": {
        "allowed_tries": 10,
        "block_expiry_seconds": 600,
        "max_blocked_clients": 100000,
        "max_tracked_clients": 100000,
        "time_window_seconds": 3600,
        "type": "ip"
    "ism-history": {
      "ism_enabled": true,
      "ism_history_enabled": true,
      "ism_history_max_age": 24,
      "ism_history_max_docs": 2500000,
      "ism_history_rollover_check_period": 8,
      "ism_history_rollover_retention_period": 30
    "cluster_routing_allocation_node_concurrent_recoveries": 42,
    "thread_pool_analyze_queue_size": 42,
    "action_auto_create_index_enabled": false,
    "http_max_content_length": 42,
    "thread_pool_write_size": 42,
    "thread_pool_search_queue_size": 42,
    "indices_query_bool_max_clause_count": 42,
    "thread_pool_search_throttled_queue_size": 42,
    "cluster_max_shards_per_node": 1000
  "uri-params": {},
  "version": "string",
  "created-at": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "plan": "string",
  "opensearch-dashboards": {
    "opensearch-request-timeout": 42,
    "enabled": true,
    "max-old-space-size": 42
  "users": [
      "type": "string",
      "username": "string",
      "password": "string"