Update a DBaaS Valkey service

PUT /dbaas-valkey/{name}

Update a DBaaS Valkey service

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    Service name

    Minimum length is 0, maximum length is 63.


Body Required

  • Automatic maintenance settings

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide maintenance attributes Show maintenance attributes object
    • dow string Required

      Day of week for installing updates

      Values are saturday, tuesday, never, wednesday, sunday, friday, monday, or thursday.

    • time string Required

      Time for installing updates, UTC

      Minimum length is 8, maximum length is 8.

  • plan string

    Subscription plan

    Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 128.

  • Service is protected against termination and powering off

  • ip-filter array[string]

    Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. ''

  • Migrate data from existing server

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide migration attributes Show migration attributes object
    • host string Required

      Hostname or IP address of the server where to migrate data from

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 255.

    • port integer(int64) Required

      Port number of the server where to migrate data from

      Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 65535.

    • password string

      Password for authentication with the server where to migrate data from

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 255.

    • ssl boolean

      The server where to migrate data from is secured with SSL

    • username string

      User name for authentication with the server where to migrate data from

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 255.

    • dbname string

      Database name for bootstrapping the initial connection

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 63.

    • Comma-separated list of databases, which should be ignored during migration (supported by MySQL only at the moment)

      Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 2048.

    • method string

      The migration method to be used

      Values are dump or replication.

  • Valkey-specific settings

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide valkey-settings attributes Show valkey-settings attributes object
    • ssl boolean

      Default value is true.

    • Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100. Default value is 10.

    • maxmemory_policy string | null

      Values are noeviction, allkeys-lru, volatile-lru, allkeys-random, volatile-random, volatile-ttl, volatile-lfu, or allkeys-lfu. Default value is noeviction.

    • io_threads integer

      Set Valkey IO thread count. Changing this will cause a restart of the Valkey service.

      Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 32.

    • Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 120. Default value is 1.

    • Set output buffer limit for pub / sub clients in MB. The value is the hard limit, the soft limit is 1/4 of the hard limit. When setting the limit, be mindful of the available memory in the selected service plan.

      Minimum value is 32, maximum value is 512.

    • Maximum length is 32. Format should match the following pattern: ^[KEg\$lshzxentdmA]*$. Default value is empty.

    • When persistence is 'rdb', Valkey does RDB dumps each 10 minutes if any key is changed. Also RDB dumps are done according to backup schedule for backup purposes. When persistence is 'off', no RDB dumps and backups are done, so data can be lost at any moment if service is restarted for any reason, or if service is powered off. Also service can't be forked.

      Values are off or rdb.

    • timeout integer

      Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 31536000. Default value is 300.

    • Determines default pub/sub channels' ACL for new users if ACL is not supplied. When this option is not defined, all_channels is assumed to keep backward compatibility. This option doesn't affect Valkey configuration acl-pubsub-default.

      Values are allchannels or resetchannels.

    • Set number of Valkey databases. Changing this will cause a restart of the Valkey service.

      Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 128.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string(uuid)

      Operation ID

    • reason string

      Operation failure reason

      Values are incorrect, unknown, unavailable, forbidden, busy, fault, partial, not-found, interrupted, unsupported, or conflict.

    • Related resource reference

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide reference attributes Show reference attributes object
      • id string(uuid)

        Reference ID

      • command string

        Command name

    • message string

      Operation message

    • state string

      Operation status

      Values are failure, pending, success, or timeout.

PUT /dbaas-valkey/{name}
curl \
 --request PUT https://api-ch-gva-2.exoscale.com/v2/dbaas-valkey/{name} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"maintenance":{"dow":"saturday","time":"string"},"plan":"string","termination-protection":true,"ip-filter":["string"],"migration":{"host":"string","port":42,"password":"string","ssl":true,"username":"string","dbname":"string","ignore-dbs":"string","method":"dump"},"valkey-settings":{"ssl":true,"lfu_log_factor":10,"maxmemory_policy":"noeviction","io_threads":1,"lfu_decay_time":1,"pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit":64,"notify_keyspace_events":"","persistence":"off","timeout":300,"acl_channels_default":"allchannels","number_of_databases":16}}'
Request examples
  "maintenance": {
    "dow": "saturday",
    "time": "string"
  "plan": "string",
  "termination-protection": true,
  "ip-filter": [
  "migration": {
    "host": "string",
    "port": 42,
    "password": "string",
    "ssl": true,
    "username": "string",
    "dbname": "string",
    "ignore-dbs": "string",
    "method": "dump"
  "valkey-settings": {
    "ssl": true,
    "lfu_log_factor": 10,
    "maxmemory_policy": "noeviction",
    "io_threads": 1,
    "lfu_decay_time": 1,
    "pubsub_client_output_buffer_limit": 64,
    "notify_keyspace_events": "",
    "persistence": "off",
    "timeout": 300,
    "acl_channels_default": "allchannels",
    "number_of_databases": 16
Response examples (200)
  "id": "string",
  "reason": "incorrect",
  "reference": {
    "id": "string",
    "link": "string",
    "command": "string"
  "message": "string",
  "state": "failure"