[BETA] Create a new DBaaS connection between a DBaaS service and an external service
[BETA] Create a new DBaaS connection between a DBaaS service and an external service
Path parameters
Service name
Minimum length is
, maximum length is63
Body Required
External endpoint id
External integration endpoint type
Values are
, orelasticsearch
PUT /dbaas-external-endpoint/{source-service-name}/attach
curl \
-X PUT https://api-ch-gva-2.exoscale.com/v2/dbaas-external-endpoint/{source-service-name}/attach \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"dest-endpoint-id":"string","type":"prometheus"}'
Request examples
"dest-endpoint-id": "string",
"type": "prometheus"
Response examples (200)
"id": "string",
"reason": "incorrect",
"reference": {
"id": "string",
"link": "string",
"command": "string"
"message": "string",
"state": "failure"